pw, 21. November 2008, 08:42 Uhr

Kostenlose, digitale onOne-Fotorahmen

Die Plug-In Anwendungen von onOne Software funktionieren mit sogenannten Presets, also vorgegebenen Einstellungen. Mit diesen Presets kommt man schnell zu einem guten Resultat, oder zumindest näher an dieses ran. Auf der onOneExchange Webseite werden können solche Presets ausgetauscht werden – sie ist eine richtige Fundgrube hierzu. Passend zur vorweihnachtlichen Portraitsaison gibt’s dort nun eine neue Serie von digitalen Rahmenvorlagen für Besitzer des onOne PhotoFrame Plugin in der Version 3 und 4.

Alle Rahmen-Presets findet man hier, wobei die neuen zuunterst auf der Liste leicht zu finden sind (englischsprachige Seite).

“In the spirit of the holidays, we wanted to give our PhotoFrame users free content to add to their frame, texture and adornment library,” said Craig Keudell, president of onOne Software. “This is just the first of many free frame packs that we intend to provide to PhotoFrame users so they continue to get extra value out of their software.”

PhotoFrame 4 allows users to quickly and easily create one-of-a-kind works of art with frames, borders, adornments and texture overlays. PhotoFrame 4 delivers hundreds of new frames, including exclusive content from professional photographers Kevin Kubota and Vicki Taufer. It also includes a new, intuitive frame library that allows users to easily search, browse and preview content in real-time. PhotoFrame 4 extends supports to Adobe® Photoshop Lightroom™ 2 and Apple Aperture, allowing photographers to work seamlessly within their chosen applications.

About onOne Software

onOne Software, Inc., a leading developer of innovative software tools for photographers, develops time-saving software solutions for professional and advanced amateur photographers. onOne Software solutions have been created to help photographers spend more of their time behind the camera instead of the computer workstation. Such solutions include a wide range of easy-to-use plug-in enhancements for Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and Photoshop Lightroom. Founded in 2005, onOne Software is a privately held company located in Portland, Oregon. For additional information, visit or call 1-888-968-1468.

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